Saturday 10 August 2013

A Year In Hallett's London

Looking at some photos the other day I was taken to discover that a time has truly galloped by.
In the first week of August 2012 I came to East London to look for a place to live. This on the back of a new job which has taken me away from the mountains.

With the help of ‘La Forgeron’ I was delighted to get a four room, ground floor flat with its own rectangle of garden, and a garage as well.
My kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, and sitting room have served well since. A base for explorations and a retreat from the world. The rent at the top end of extravagant for my meagre pocket but 'you only live twice'. How many of you, dear readers, can complete that quote without the aid of Google I wonder?

My adventure started back just before the Easter of that year. Sitting comfortable in my mountain farm, with a job I enjoyed, and a lifestyle the envy of many from where I am now. I noticed a job advert and before I knew it, Pandoras Box was opened.

Forgeron was off to University, The Boy there already, and my need for travel in foreign lands was pricking at the heels. Second advertisement it said. Head teacher. Just the job that I have been avoiding looking for…..

I agonized and rationalized for days…. No I didn’t! From the second that I saw the post I knew it had my name writ large upon it and the world was going to have to fit. The Great Moo Moo (who occasionally appears to me from slices of toast) had already cast the die.

I called by via the funeral of a friend of over forty years to see the office chair and nod to the outgoing occupant.

On Thursday I decided to apply. On Friday I sent the application. Monday I was shortlisted for an interview on Tuesday. As I drove back to North Wales I pulled over to stretch my legs and get fuel for the car, I took the call, paused for breath and said yes.
The guy on the other end breathed a sigh of relief.

And so everything was about to change.


  1. I just clicked on your blog and amazingly a new post. Good to hear things are ok and you're coping with living in a "foreign land"! I wonder if you're back in the mountains for the summer enjoying our best weather for a few years. Good luck and all the best with your new adventure.

  2. Dave, not back in the North much as I have had to rent out the farmhouse. Loving zipping round London on a bike though!
