Friday, 21 September 2012

Darn the Pab

The Games Maker and I listened in stunned disbelief. Back in the old walled town sentiment of a racist nature is seldom expressed so overtly. Indeed it is generally reserved for the English over the period of the RBS Six Nations Tournament when they are seen as fair game. I am sure others may quote further example but generally I always felt that it was a muted affair at best.
No suppression of thought or voice round here though.

The Bigot is spouting forth....

‘Facking Romanians. They are a bunch of bast..rds as well mind. But ...if you give a facking pair of them a facking shovel and facking barrow and facking tell them to dig a facking hole they will be there at the end of the facking day and you will have a facking hole, even if they facking do have their facking hands out.’

‘Facking Albanians though, don’t get me facking started. Give a facking shovel and a facking barrow to a facking pair of Albainians and at the end of the facking day they will have put the facking shovel in the facking barrow. Facking wheeled them off and facking sold them. ‘

‘Now then what about these facking apples from facking Afghanistan.....’

And so on.

Gentle reader, I could scarcely credit my facking ears.

The photograph bears no relation to the post. How could I illustrate it?
Instead you get a pink thing that I saw on the dockside at Greenwich.

1 comment:

  1. Ah found you. Hope you've settled in that everything is going OK. Pleased to hear that you're cycling, some great rides around there. TfL used to give free cycle maps for the whole city. I've done part of the Thames towpath down to Greenwich. Enjoy it all.
