Thursday, 12 December 2013

The New Curiosity Shop

When I wander the back lanes and ally's of my particular part of London I am oft surprised by what people chuck out. It's not like where I used to live you see. Back on the farm, if you had some rubbish you assessed it for scrap or bonfire. Scrap to the local recycler. Bonfire rubbish to the pile behind the house.

I guess that in Inner London bonfires are discouraged. I certainly don't seem to have seen any in the year and a half that I have been here.... I expect there are good reasons.
Funny how you miss the smell of woodsmoke.

Digression though.
As you walk along the streets here there is always a huge amount of junk. A lot of it generated by the transient population. There are so many curiously stained mattresses in front yards and against partition walls that I have considered a separate category for them on a photo graphic website. Perhaps a group on Facebook. Maybe not.....

Mattresses, beds, cupboards, chairs, sofas, white goods of every facet, carpets..... round here it all all gets dumped on the street and then seems to disappear either by degrees or a few days later.
Lots of it looks useful to me. Sort of a low tech shopping experience without the need for money to change hands.
For instance I can see that piece of bed frame being useful to repair the fence. All over North Wales, beds are used to fix holes in fences and walls. Round here they get chucked away....
Maybe I could start an export business.
Down near Thurrock there is a site, hundreds of acres, where this kind of stuff is rolled and shoved by heavy tracked vehicles. In time to come, once it is high enough above the prospect of a flood I expect it will form the base layer of desirable riverside properties. After all where there is muck there's always money.

And so I wander back to the particular bit of jetsam that I found in the back alley the other day.
I found an oil painting. In an interesting frame.
I like it for what it is. It may not to all tastes but I like it.

With any signed painting I would guess that curiosity would get the better of one eventually though. I looked up Robert Cox Artist on the interwebby thing. How curious.


  1. Have a good Christmas...I like the bit about beds being used to fix fence holes, how true. All the best.

  2. ally's? Is that right? Hard to imagine that you could have made a mistake with an apostrophe so I suppose it must be right, strange though it may seem.

    1. I am sure it should be alleys BTW.
